CAP Bylaws Section 1

By Adrian Tremayne on Friday, May 4, 2012 at 2:31 PM

Section I

1.These are the Bylaws of the Church of the Ancient Paths as approved by the membership. They are considered to be the rules of operation for the Church until amended or changed by the membership. Bylaws can only be changed or amended by action of the Assembly at an Annual Meeting. All changes or amendments shall be effective immediately upon passage, unless stated otherwise by the Assembly.

2.To Change the Bylaws, the proposed change is to be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors. Within ninety (90) calendar days of the submission, the Board must determine that the proposed change will not cause the Bylaws to come into conflict with local, state, or federal laws. The Board must then submit the proposed change to the Managing Director no less than ninety (90) days before the vote will be taken. The Managing Director will supply written copies of the proposed changes to each of the Voting Members of the Church. Voting Members must have a minimum of two (2) calendar months to study the proposal before a vote on the proposed change can be held at an Annual Meeting.

3.A two-thirds majority approval by written ballot of the entire Assembly is required to change the Bylaws. Signed, dated, absentee ballots present at the meeting where the vote is being held shall be accepted in either approval or rejection of the proposal specifically identified on the ballot. The Managing Director shall be responsible for ensuring absentee ballots are present at the appropriate meeting. Proxy votes shall not be accepted. Verbal absentee votes are considered to be proxies.

4.The Managing Director shall make a complete copy of the current Bylaws of the Church of the Ancient Paths available to any person who requests same and shall request a reasonable reimbursement for any copying costs incurred. Any person, group or organization requesting a copy of the Bylaws of the Church be mailed to them shall be responsible for postage costs. These fees may be waived by the Board of Directors of the Church or by an affirmative vote by a majority of the Assembly.

CAP Bylaws Section 2

By Adrian Tremayne on Friday, May 4, 2012 at 2:32 PM

Section II


1.The Church of Ancient Paths is a non-sectarian non-creedal inter-faith pagan church. The Church functions from the premise that the Divine has created us in so many forms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual; surely there must be many ways to worship righteously. With respect for the Divine within all, we support and encourage our members in their explorations of their spirituality.

2.We, the Assembly of the Church of the Ancient Paths, define a church as a group of individuals who gather for the purpose of engaging in communal religious activity, whether public or private. We define pagan as one who has a reverence for the natural world, recognizes that humans are a thread in the web of the Universe, accepts personal responsibility for their actions with awareness that each action affects their surroundings, holds that no intermediary or intercessionary is necessary to have a relationship with the Divine.

3.We do not sponsor, condone or embrace any aspect of any pathway which is based on, advocates or involves hate, bias, oppression or exclusion of any person or group of people on the basis of race creed, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, social or economic status, employment, education, disability, health, happenstance of birth (i.e. natural, clone, bio-engineered, etc.) gender or sexual orientation.

4.At no time may anyone ever be required, forced or pressured by the Church, its officials, either singly or as a group, or any of its members, to participate in any action or belief with which they are uncomfortable for any reason.

5.The Church of the Ancient Paths supports the right of every individual or group of consenting individuals to hold such ceremonies and rites as they feel are appropriate within the guidelines established by the Bylaws of the Church. The Church of the Ancient Paths shall engage in what the culture of the United States of America in the 1990’s C.E. acknowledges as religious ceremony including, but not limited to, worship, marriage, ordination, obsequy and naming. The Church also engages in the sacred activities of reverence, respect and service to and for the Earth and all creatures who dwell on it. The Church officially sanctions only those rites and ceremonies performed by ordained Clergy of the Church which have legal ramifications in civil law. While Members and/or Clergy of the Church may hold rites based in their own religious path or organization, this does not imply sanction, by or from any other religious paths or organizations

6.The Church of the Ancient Paths and its members are committed to benefiting the communities within which they dwell. Members will not evangelize or proselytize, but may speak of their personal beliefs and principles to others if others choose to inquire. Any statements regarding the beliefs and principles of the Church of the Ancient Paths must reference the Bylaws of that Church.

7.The Church of the Ancient Paths is a community dedicated to being spiritually supportive of its members. Clergy of the Church have an obligation to offer teaching and counseling where requested, appropriate and feasible.

CAP Bylaws Section 3

By Adrian Tremayne on Friday, May 4, 2012 at 2:33 PM

Section III


1.There shall be two types of membership in the Church of the Ancient Paths. All Church functions and activities shall be open to attendance by all Church Members of any type of membership, though their level of participation in business aspects of the Church may be restricted to those defined as the privilege of their particular type of membership.

2.GUEST STATUS is open to any individual who wishes to attend public Church functions, or who has been invited to attend a private Church function and acts respectfully toward the religious views and practice during their time as a guest.

3.GENERAL MEMBERSHIP is open to all individuals who are willing to acknowledge membership in the Church of the Ancient Paths and who attend services as is convenient for them. General Members are encouraged to live within the principles of the Church’s stated purpose and to share their gifts and time with the Church community as they feel is appropriate. General Members need not pay voting fees.

4.General Members are not enfranchised with a vote on the Assembly, but the Assembly is strongly encouraged to consider a General Member’s views and opinions in regard to such topics as may be under consideration by the Assembly. General Members have the right to propose changes to the Bylaws as outlined in the procedures for changing the Bylaws. The General member can withdraw the proposed change at any time prior to approval of the change by the Assembly as set forth in the procedures for changing the Bylaws.

5.THE ASSEMBLY shall be composed of the Voting Membership.

6.To become a Voting Member the prospective Voting Member shall have been a General Member for a minimum of two (2) years, and shall have attained the legal age of at least fourteen (14) years; OR have been a General Member for a minimum of one(1) year, and be sponsored by a current Voting Member, and have attained the legal age of at least fourteen(14) years. Sponsors must educate and encourage their prospective Voting Members(s) in the precepts of the Church, but are considered in no way responsible for any actions of the sponsored prospective Voting Member.

7.A prospective Voting Member shall submit in writing a request for Voting Membership to the Managing Director. The request must include, but is not limited to, the prospective Voting Member’s understanding of the purposes and function of the Church as it relates to the prospective Voting Member.

8.The prospective Voting Member shall then be specifically invited to the next gathering of the Assembly where the Managing Director shall read the prospective Voting Member’s request in its entirety to the Assembly, and shall inform the Assembly whether the prospective Voting Member has fully paid the voting fees for the coming year. The prospective Voting Member shall then be requested to make any further remarks they desire with recognition that there is no penalty if the prospective Voting Member has no further remarks.

9.Unless there are strong contradictions between the prospective Voting Member’s understanding of the Church and the purposes of the Church of the Ancient Paths as stated in the Bylaws, the prospective Voting Member must be welcomed as a Voting Member by voice vote of the Assembly upon full payment of voting fees for the coming year. The new Voting Member shall immediately be added to the roll of Voting Members of the Assembly, with all the rights, duties and privileges thereof.

10.If there are found to be strong contradictions between the prospective Voting Member’s understanding of the Church and the purposes of the Church of the Ancient Paths as stated in the Bylaws, the Managing Director shall be required by the Assembly to present a written copy of the points of contradiction to the prospective Voting Members, whose status shall be extended for a further period of one (1) year during which time the prospective Voting Member shall be considered sponsored by the Assembly in its entirety. At the end of the year, the prospective Voting Member may re-initiate the process for becoming a Voting Member by writing to the Managing Director as outlined above.

11.Voting Members whose voting fees are not fully paid shall revert to the status of General Membership until such time as their voting fees are again paid. Restoration of Voting Membership shall be immediate upon payment of those voting fees.

12.Voting Members who willfully and flagrantly violate the Bylaws of the Church of the Ancient Paths may have their voting privileges removed by the Assembly with a three-quarters majority secret ballot vote for removal by the entire Assembly, unless the Voting Member is holding an office in the Church (i.e. Clergy) at which time the sections regarding improper actions by Church officials shall take effect which may include removal of Voting Membership as a sanction. The member must be requested and allowed to speak regarding their reasons for their actions before any vote can be taken. The Assembly is instructed to consider the member’s explanation in reaching its verdict. No absentee or proxy votes shall be allowed regarding the removal of voting privileges. The counting of the vote in the secret ballot must be done publicly at an Annual Meeting. The member shall then become a General Member if there has been a sufficient number of votes to remove their voting privileges.

13.General Membership can not be revoked except at the written personal request of the member seeking to leave the membership who must be immediately allowed to leave without let or hindrance and be promptly removed from any roll of the membership which the church may maintain. Exercising one’s choice to leave the Church of the Ancient Paths does not preclude rejoining the Church at any time one may desire to do so.

14.The annual voting fees for Voting Members are Seven Dollars ($7) US per individual member, Thirteen Dollars ($13) US per two (2) members sharing a domicile, or Twenty-one Dollars ($21) US per family of three (3) or more members sharing a domicile. Alternate methods of payment are allowed at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

CAP Bylaws Section 4

By Adrian Tremayne on Friday, May 4, 2012 at 2:34 PM

Section IV


  1. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS is composed of three (3) Voting Members of the Assembly with staggered three (3) year terms, elected by a simple majority of the Voting Members present at the Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors is responsible for legal issues affecting the Church and for those matters made its responsibility by the Bylaws of the Church. Voting Members may be elected to the Board of Directors for an unlimited number of terms, but may not succeed themselves or members of their immediate households in accepting service for those terms. There shall be no perpetual or lifetime members of the Board of Directors. A person replacing a Board Member before that Board Member’s term of office would normally expire may not serve more than five (5) consecutive years.

  1. Any Board Member may speak as a legal representative of the Church. The Board of Directors may also appoint any member(s) of the Church as they feel appropriate to speak for the Church in a public forum. No member may speak as a public representative of the Church of the Ancient Paths without the permission of the Board of Directors.

  1. Should there be an insufficient number of Voting Members willing to serve on the Board of Directors, the Managing Director is instructed to take full responsibility for the Church with the assistance and advice of such Clergy and Board of Directors members as may be available to assist the Managing Director.

  1. When considering candidates for the Clergy of the Church, the Board of Directors is instructed to consult the current members of the Clergy regarding the candidate’s abilities and weaknesses, though it must make its own determination regarding such matters. If any candidate for the Clergy is desired as a member of the Clergy by ten (10) or more Voting Members, it is strongly recommended that the Board confer the status of either Mentor or Pastor on the candidate as quickly as practicable.

  1. The Board of Directors is directly responsible to the Assembly for its actions. The Assembly may require explanation for the actions of the Board if the Assembly feels it appropriate. The Board of Directors must act in a timely fashion in any legal matters of, for, or against the Church of Ancient Paths.

  1. The Managing Director is responsible for the day to day operations of the Church.

  1. Financial matters of the Church are the responsibility of the Managing Director with oversight by the Board of Directors. The Managing Director shall maintain an account ledger for the Church of the Ancient Paths separate from any personal accounts they may maintain or possess. The Managing Director shall provide an Annual Financial Report to the Assembly at the Annual Meeting. The Report shall contain, at a minimum the value and type of assets possessed by the Church, an overview of incomes and disbursements of the Church by general category, full disclosure of any debts or unfulfilled monetary commitments incurred by the Church and a projection of such expenses as are expected to be incurred by the Church before the next Annual Meeting.

  1. If the Managing Director is found fiscally irresponsible by the Board of Directors the Board is directed to immediately take such actions as are appropriate to relieve the situation. If the Managing Director is accused of fraudulent fiscal behavior, the Board of Directors shall immediately appoint one (or more) of its members to take direct control of the finances of the Church and shall commission an audit by an outside accountant of the Church’s financial business from a time at least one (1) calendar year prior to the accused Managing Director’s first term of office.

  1. Should the accusation be proven by personal action, personal admission, or the conclusion of the audit, the Managing Director shall immediately be removed from office, shall lose Voting Membership and shall not be reconsidered for Voting Membership for the term of at least five (5) calendar years. The Board of Directors may have recourse to appropriate legal actions against the individual to obtain relief from any spiritual, financial or legal liabilities or damages caused by the fraudulent financial actions(s). The Board must prosecute any offense as prescribed by applicable tax statutes.

  1. Should the investigation show willful fiscal irresponsibility, having no significant impact on the Church, the Board of Directors may issue a censure of the Managing Director, to be publicly announced at the next meeting of the Assembly and to be published in the next issue of Pathways. The Board has the option to allow the Managing Director to maintain their status, or reduce it to whatever status is deemed appropriate. If the Board chooses to allow the Managing Director to remain in office, this must be affirmed by a vote of confidence of the Assembly at their next meeting.

  1. If the Managing Director is also a Clergy Member, sanctions against fraudulent fiscal activity by a Clergy member shall be invoked.

  1. The findings of the investigation and any actions taken must be published in Pathways.

  1. Should the accusation be disproven, the Board of Directors shall publish in Pathways the text of the accusation, an unequivocal statement regarding the innocence of the Managing Director, an apology for any harm caused, and an appeal for harmony within the Church. The same must be issued at the next meeting of the Assembly. The Managing Director shall be immediately reinstated as Financial Officer.

  1. The Managing Director is responsible for maintaining the membership rolls of the Church with appropriate notations of membership type, offices and terms currently held by each member along with current addresses and telephone numbers or other communication contacts as provided by the members.


  1. The Managing Director may be a member of the Clergy, but may not be a member of the Board of Directors during their tenure as Managing Director. Candidates for Managing Director may either be nominated by the Assembly, or may volunteer for the position. The Board of Directors shall select the Managing Director with consideration to selecting the best-qualified candidate for the job.

  1. The term of office for the Managing Director shall be two (2) years, with three (3) renewals possible. The Managing Director is expected to request relief from the position for the good of the Church should they become unable to perform their duties adequately. At the expiration of their terms as Managing Director, individuals may reapply for the position after a successor’s term of office.

  1. The Managing Director may appoint such assistants as they require for proper management and administration of their duties.

  1. It is required that the Managing Director have a deputy kept current of Church affairs and prepared to assume the position of Acting Director in an emergency.

  1. The Managing Director shall either appoint an editor of the Church newsletter, Pathways or shall hold the position personally. Pathways shall be published at least four(4) times per year on October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1, on the website of the Church. Physical copies shall be mailed by request subject to payment of copying and postage costs by the requesting person or group.

  1. Each issue shall contain, at a minimum:

  1. The Managing Director is responsible for chairing the Annual Meeting of the Church of the Ancient Paths, which shall be held each year on the first full weekend of the month of September. If unfinished business remains at the close of the time allotted for the Annual Meeting, the Meeting may be adjourned and resume at a later time convenient to the Assembly.

  1. The Managing Director shall, at each meeting of the Assembly, appoint a person willing to act as Secretary. The Secretary shall take Minutes of the meeting. An extract of the Minutes of each and every meeting must be published in the next issue of Pathways. Complete Minutes shall be provided to the Board of Directors and the Managing Director. Copies of the extracted Minutes, or physical copies of the complete Minutes, must be made available to any member on request. The member shall be required to reimburse the Church for reasonable copying costs for their physical copy of the Minutes.

  1. Whenever feasible, the Managing Director shall maintain a legal mailing address distinct from any member’s personal address for the Church of the Ancient Paths within the State of New York, being the State of Organization and/or Incorporation, and shall retrieve any mail at least twice in each calendar week.

  1. Should there be any mail requiring legal action or pertaining to the legal actions of others against the Church, the Managing Director must immediately provide each member of the Board of Directors with an individual copy of the piece of mail in its entirety.

  1. For the purposes of Incorporation, the Managing Director shall be known as the President, the senior member of the Board of Directors shall be known as the Vice President, and a junior member of the Board of Directors shall be know as the Secretary.

CAP Bylaws Section 5

By Adrian Tremayne on Friday, May 4, 2012 at 2:35 PM

Section V


  1. Clergy are Voting Members who have been granted status as Clergy by the Church of the Ancient Paths through action of the Board of Directors. Clergy are authorized to perform both legal ceremonies as set forth by the Laws of the State of New York, being the State of Organization and/or Incorporation and any reciprocal State; and such religious ceremonies as the Church or its members may request or desire.

  1. All members of the Clergy must have attained the minimum legal age of Twenty-one (21) years at the time of their appointment as Clergy. Members of the Clergy are expected to maintain their voting fees in a fully paid status. Clergy whose voting fees are not fully paid shall be considered inactive until such time as their voting fees are again current.

  1. Members of the Clergy are expected to support the ideals of the Church as expressed in the Bylaws. Members of the Clergy should work within their personal spiritual visions and understandings, and be respectful of the spiritual visions and understandings of others.

  1. Members of the Clergy who accept donations on behalf of the Church of the Ancient Paths shall transfer said donations to the Managing Director. Such transfers shall be due before the next scheduled date of publication of Pathways as provided in the Bylaws of the Church. Use and maintenance of such donations is under the direct supervision of the Managing Director as chief Financial Officer of the Church.

  1. In any and all matters concerning status change, duties of, or disciplining of the Clergy or Clergy Members, the Board of Directors must include a Clergy Council consisting of two (2) Clergy Members selected by lottery of any and all Confirmed Clergy Members who are willing to serve on the Council. Only one (1) Clergy Member on the Council may hold office on the Board of Directors or as Managing Director. The term of service on the Clergy Council is one (1) calendar year. Clergy shall not succeed themselves on the Council unless no replacement is available.

  1. In all matters concerning the Clergy, the phrase “Board of Directors” is considered to be inclusive of the Clergy Council.

  1. If a Clergy Member is accused of fraudulent fiscal behavior, the Managing Director shall immediately take direct control of any Church funds and Church properties as the Clergy Member may have access to and shall commission an audit of the Clergy Member’s conduct and shall proceed with actions as defined under “fiscal irresponsibility” under the office of Managing Director. (Section IV Paragraphs 7 through 12 inclusive)

  1. No action shall be taken regarding the spiritual aspects of the clerical status of the Clergy Member until proof of fraudulent fiscal activity is determined by personal admission by or personal action of the accused Clergy Member; or evidence of such activity is disclosed at the conclusion of the audit. Should the accusation be proven by one of the evidences listed immediately above, the Clergy Member shall be removed from their status as Clergy by the Board of Directors, with notification to that effect printed in the next issue of Pathways

  1. No reinstatement of Voting Membership shall be considered for a term of at least five (5) calendar years from the date of the Board’s determination. No reinstatement of clerical status shall be considered for a period of at least seven (7) calendar years from the date of the Board’s determination. Should the individual continue to represent themselves as an ordained Clergy Member of the Church of the Ancient Paths after removal of said status by the Board of Directors, the Board is empowered to take whatever legal actions are necessary and appropriate for relief of the situation.

  1. Should a Clergy Member in good standing choose to leave the Church, that Clergy Member shall no longer represent themselves as Clergy of the Church of the Ancient Paths, but the Church has no power to rescind legal ordination.

  1. The Clergy shall consist of three (3) categories of equal status but varying duties and responsibilities. Candidates for the Clergy shall request a specific status in their written letter of application based on the duties and responsibilities which they are willing to accept. The Board of Directors may appoint the candidate to the requested status, or a status with fewer duties and responsibilities after discussion of same with the candidate. The candidate must be informed of the Board’s decision well in advance of the proposed date for the ordination. The Board may not appoint the candidate to a status different from that requested, or with greater duties and responsibilities unless the candidate shall personally amend their letter of application in writing.

  1. A member of the Clergy wishing to change their category must write to the Board of Directors requesting the change. Upon establishment that the Clergy Member meets the requirements for the new category, the Board of Directors is instructed to grant the change as quickly as is reasonable, subject to a one (1) year probation.

  1. A voting member of the Church of the Ancient Paths who wishes to become a Clergy Member must write a letter of application to the Board of Directors requesting installation in their chosen category of Clergy. With Board acceptance, the candidate becomes an Aspirant and serves a one (1) year probation for Mentor or Pastor, or a two (2) year probation to become a Minister. At the end of the probationary period, the Aspirant must write a letter to the Board of Directors requesting Ordination. At that time, the Board of Directors will poll the General Clergy. This polling will not exceed two (2) calendar months. Though it is suggested that the Board follow the recommendation of the Clergy, it is not binding. The Board of Directors will make their determination regarding Ordination of the Aspirant within the next calendar month.

  1. Upon approval the candidate becomes a Confirmed–for–Ordination Aspirant. This confirmation must be published in the next Pathways and announced at the next meeting of the Assembly which need not be the Annual Meeting. The Ordination Ceremony may follow anytime thereafter convenient for the new Clergy Member and the ordaining Clergy Member. The new Clergy Member may celebrate this ordination in a manner of their own choosing limited only by applicable Church Bylaws. A written Affirmation of Ordination must be submitted to the Board of Directors by the ordaining Clergy Person(s) within one (1) calendar month with a copy to go to the newly ordained Clergy Person. The Board will then issue a Certificate of Ordination by the Church of the Ancient Paths signed by each Board Member and by the Managing Director. The Certificate will be issued no later than two (2) calendar months after the Board receives the Affirmation of Ordination. The Certificate must be issued to the ordained Clergy Member with a copy to the Managing Director for inclusion in Church records. A report of the issuance of the Certificate of Ordination must be published in the next issue of Pathways.

  1. The CATEGORIES OF CLERGY are established as follow:

  1. MENTORS/MOTHERS/FATHERS: Are spiritual leaders with the privileges of performing all legal and religious ceremonies within the Church, but whose chosen focus is working as writers and teachers of small groups or individuals. They shall have demonstrated knowledge of the ideals of the Church as expressed in the Bylaws, and have demonstrated abilities as teachers and/or writers on spiritual issues. During the probationary period the candidate must perform consistently as a teacher, including, but not limited to, teaching at least one (1) student and performing four (4) educational services for the Church such as classes, articles, etc..

  1. After the status is conferred as outlined above, the Mentor must perform a minimum of two (2) educational services for the Church annually to maintain active status. They shall have the right to append the title “Mentor”, “Mother” or “Father” to their name.

  1. They shall agree to:

- Abide by the Church Bylaw’s standards for Clergy

- Advise the Board of Directors on its decisions

- Participate in the Assembly

- Participate in the Ordination of new Clergy


- Submit a written report of their Clerical activities to the Managing Director to be included in the Managing Director’s Annual Report.

  1. PASTORS: Are recognized as spiritual leaders through their consecration as priests/priestesses (or the equivalent) by a circle (grove, tribe, coven, etc.) recognized by the Church of the Ancient Paths as subscribing to ideals similar to those stated in the Bylaws of the Church; with the privilege of performing all legal and religious ceremonies within the Church. Pastors have chosen to teach and write but also undertake to lead group rituals on a regular basis, as well as assisting and teaching others regarding the use and development of ritual. During the probationary period they shall perform a minimum of four (4) services annually for the Church , including leading no less than one (1) Church ritual.

  1. After status is conferred as outlined above, the Pastor must perform two (2) services annually for the Church to maintain active status. They shall have the right to append the title “Reverend” to their name.

  1. They shall agree to:

  1. MINISTERS: Shall have the qualifications of and perform the duties of one of the previous Clerical statuses, and shall, in addition, undertake to be a representative of the Church in secular and ecumenical matters and forums. In addition to their other duties, they shall perform at least one (1) outreach service annually. Ministers especially are prohibited from proselytizing or evangelizing during their outreach services. During the probationary period the candidate shall propose each outreach service to the Board of Directors, and must receive written approval from a minimum of two (2) members of the Board to be authorized to perform the outreach, as outreaches are legal representations of the Church, its ideals and purposes. Upon successful completion of the probationary period, the Board of Directors may ordain the candidate as a Minister. Ministers shall have the right to append the title “Right Reverend” to their name and to represent themselves as a “Minister of the Church of the Ancient Paths” in a public forum.


  1. They shall agree to:

  1. The Church of the Ancient Paths, in the person of the Managing Director shall register the ordained Clergy with the State of New York, being the State of Organization and/or Incorporation, in accordance with the State laws. The Church shall issue a Certificate of Ordination in the name of the Church of the Ancient Paths to those Clergy it ordains with the name of the new Clergy Member, the category of Ordination, the date of Ordination and the signatures of the members of the Board of Directors and Members of the Clergy Council who authorized the Ordination, as well as that of the Managing Director

CAP Bylaws Section 6

By Adrian Tremayne on Friday, May 4, 2012 at 2:37 PM

Section VI


  1. The Church, its Members, and its Officials shall attempt to prevent actions harmful to others in accordance with the Bylaws of the Church and the laws of the civil government, but can not be held responsible should these attempts fail.

  1. Should there be accusation or complaint of injurious acts by any Church functionary, the Managing Director shall inform the Board of Directors of the accusation or complaint as soon as it is practical. The Managing Director shall request the plaintiff(s) present their position in writing with as many details as are available. The Board of Directors and the Clergy Council shall investigate the complaint in the same manner as if it were an accusation of fiduciary misconduct with such substitutions of investigative methods as are appropriate.

  1. Should the accusation be proven true, sanctions proper to the degree of injury shall be imposed on the offending functionary, up to and including removal of or from office and/or Voting Membership.

  1. Clergy Members are reminded that persons who approach them for aid are in distress; physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual; and are to be considered incapable of consent to sexual activities with the Clergy Member. Should a Clergy Member desire a different relationship with said person, the Clergy Member is instructed to break off any counseling or pastoral activities with the person and further should wait a period of at least six (6) months before initiating any other type of intimate relationship.

  1. Should the accusation or a strong suspicion of sexual abuse involving a minor be present, every Church member is required to inform the Managing Director as soon as possible. Should the accusation be against the Managing Director, the information shall be presented instead to any member of the Board of Directors. The accused person shall be immediately removed from all positions involving contact with minors regardless of gender. The Managing Director, or Member of the Board of Directors shall be required to report the information to the state Child Protective Service and/or other appropriate agency(ies) in a timely fashion and cooperate with any state investigation. The actions for investigation and redress within the Church shall also be pursued as outlined above.

  1. Should criminal or civil charges be filed against a Church functionary, the Board of Directors and Clergy Council are instructed to follow the actions of the court and act as appropriate within the guidelines of the Bylaws.

CAP Bylaws Section 7

By Adrian Tremayne on Friday, May 4, 2012 at 2:38 PM

Section VII


  1. The Church shall have a minimum of four (4) sessions per year:

- The first a Collegium to be held as close to Brighidsdaeg (February 2) as possible;

- The second session arranged at Collegium and to occur before Labor Day weekend;

- The third the Annual Meeting and large circle to be held Labor Day weekend (First full weekend in September).

    Any Member of the Church may host any of the gatherings. It is recommended that the Annual Meeting be held in a public place so all attendees may feel free to speak without fear of offending the host(s). Other sessions are encouraged, but not required, and shall be published beforehand in Pathways

  1. The Membership is encouraged to gather at least once a year to do community service in the communities where members live.

  1. Pastors are encouraged to establish a regular location and schedule of activities for the convenience of those Church Members who may desire to attend Church gatherings on a more frequent and constant basis.